Installation video
Installing mobile presets step by step
Step 1 First thing: You?ll need to install Lightroom Mobile on your device, so head over to the Appstore (IPhone) or to the Google Play Store (Android) and download the app ?Lightroom CC? (it?s free).
Step 2
Download your mobile presets from the link we sent you via email to your laptop and unzip the ZIP folder. If you work with a Mac you just need to doubleclick on the folder. If you work with Windows, you need to right-click the ZIP folder -> extract all
Wenn du einen Mac hast, reicht es einfach einen Doppelklick auf die ZIP Datei zu machen, um sie zu entpacken, arbeitest du mit Windows, klicke mit der rechten Maustaste auf den ZIP Ordner -> Alle extrahieren -> Zielordner ausw?hlen.
Step 3 Transfer the DNG files to your Smartphone. There are a lot of different ways to do that, for example via Airdrop for iOS, via email with the DNG files attached or via Dropbox (Dropbox is a free app you can download in the Appstore or Google Play Store). Feel free to find your preferred way.
Step 4 Once your DNG files are on your mobile device, save them to your camera roll/gallery and open your Lightroom Mobile App on your Smartphone. Click on the blue button on the right bottom corner to add the DNG files from your smartphone gallery to your LR Mobile gallery.
Step 5 Swipe over the DNG files to select them all and tab on ?Add photos? on the blue button.
Step 6 Now tab on ?All photos? and choose the ?three dots menu? in the upper right corner and sort the images ?by import date?.

Step 7 Tab on the first mobile preset and again choose the ?three dots menu? on the upper right corner and select ?Create Preset?

Step 8 Fill in the preset name (?Indian Summer 01? or "Hank Ge Preset 01" for example) in the ?Preset Name? input field. Choose the dropdown menu from the ?Preset Group? and create a new preset group. Name it ?Indian Summer Presets? or "Hank Ge Presets" for example. Finish this step by tabbing the checkmark on the upper right corner - Once for confirming the preset group name and the second time for confirming the new preset

Step 9 Swipe to the next preset and repeat step 6 and 7 for every preset. You can choose the existing ?Indian Summer Group? that you created in step 7.